Ways to Improve Your Relationships

Murfreesboro, TN–Everyone knows that one couple with the classic on-again-off-again relationship. But what if you are tired of the dating Merry-Go-Round and want to get off and stay off.

Aaron Jordan Jr. aka Mr. Know Your Worth today announced he has dedicated his life to helping others. He helps them heal emotional and mental wounds from bad relationships. He does this by getting them to work on themselves and take ownership of their own mistakes. ”  The biggest mistake people make is moving on too soon and they use others to mask hurt and pain. It’s like putting a Bandaid on a broken arm,” beams Jordan, who was engaged 3 times in a 24 month period

Jordan works with men and women who have different issues especially the need and expectation of being rescued. Just like in business success can come down to location, location, location. Jordan teaches that Reflection, Reflection, Reflection is the key to knowing your worth and bringing out your best self in your next relationship.

You will be able to understand and make sound decisions and not be led by your emotions. With more dating sites and apps popping up everyday it’s important to be ready and not repeat bad behavior. “These apps make it easy to meet people but they don’t teach you how to get to the real issue of why dating isn’t working out for you,”says Jordan, author of The Power Within, A Woman’s Worth: From Both Sexes

The founder of founder/CEO of Know Your Worth; an entity built to empower the minds of both men and women on various levels to help them understand who they are, whose they are, and what they are when it comes to relationships, dating, self-worth, and personal development.

To learn more visit www.aaronjordanjr.com



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