What Is MSP Marketing? The Key Things to Understand

Marketing and technology: two worlds apart, right? Wrong. These days, marketing permeates every industry category, including the world of information technology.

Think about it: how do IT specialists and managed service providers promote and advertise their products and services? By expertly using ad-hoc marketing strategies — to be more specific, MSP marketing.

Are you in the business of providing outsourced IT services? Then, you’ll want to read on to find out why marketing is so crucial to help you succeed and expand your customer base even further. 

What Falls in the Category of MSP Marketing?

As we mentioned, MSP marketing is a specific type of marketing that managed service providers use. But what, exactly, does this marketing category include?

As an MSP, selling your products or services entails an initial consultation phase that can sometimes last for weeks and months. Cue MSP marketing, which can help you to shorten this process by a long way.

Crafting a great MSP marketing strategy can enable you to showcase your products and services in a more convincing and catchy way. In turn, the companies you are trying to sell to will more likely proceed with a purchase in a quicker way.

Are you worried that having an MSP marketing strategy in place might end up costing you too much? Then, you should definitely consider hiring a virtual CMO.

Which Strategies Should You Leverage?

MSP marketing services and MSP marketing tools are not too dissimilar from regular marketing ones. You will need to leverage popular marketing channels such as social media, website, blogs, and video. But there are some strategies that are particularly useful for your specific industry.

Referral marketing, for example, can be very successful for managed services providers. It enables you to harness the success you had with a previous, happy customer to win over the trust (and business) of a new potential one.

How can you build a successful referral marketing strategy? With customer referral discounts, customer-centric events, and surveys and feedback requests. Remember to do this in a regular way, in order for your referral plan to yield the best possible results.

Email marketing can also generate great benefits. This is an inexpensive and easy-to-use marketing strategy that even the smallest and most bootstrapped managed service provider can leverage.

How can you make the most of it? Make sure you create a high-quality subscribers list, keep it up-to-date, and provide informative and interesting content. 

Win More Customers and Boost Profits With MSP Marketing

Now that you know more about MSP marketing, you can start using these strategies to win more customers and boost profits.

Keep in mind that referral marketing and email marketing are some of the most popular and successful strategies for your categories, so definitely try to leverage those.

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